Thursday, April 4, 2013

Don't just try it....

So we took the plung and signed up for Crossfit. I was very excited to just sign up for it. I was extremely nervous but excited. One Wednesday night at church we were packing school supplies for a service project the church was sponsoring and I saw Jason. I proudly told him I signed up for Crossfit and I was going to "give it a try" for a month.

I waited for the "way to go that is awesome Maria" which never came. Instead he smiled and thought about it for a split second and gave me he thoughts. He said that he was glad I signed up but Crossfit is not something you just try. You have to go into it thinking this was going to Change your Life. That is what he did and he had great results and stuck with it.

It did not take me long to comprehend what he as saying. I got it. If I think it was something that I would just try, I will never ever stick with it. It is too hard. But if I think that this is going to Change My Life, I will continue with it because things that change your life are worth fighting for.

Again, the best advice I could have received.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Couch part of it...

Let's begin with a little bit about me. I do not like to exercise at all. I like to dance, but that requires me to leave my couch (I will refer to 'couch' but in actuality it is my recliner chair that I love more than I should). Walking is a good workout, but again not interested enough to get out off of my couch.

Another thing to know about me is I go to church. One of the first people I met from church was Jason. Aidan and I went to dinner at Chilis Too (now J.Macklin) after church one Sunday morning and Jason recognized us and came up and spoke to us. It meant more to me than I think he knew and I will never forget it. I came to admire Jason for being the family man he was and the Christian man I saw leading class etc. In 2011, he started to change - physically. He kept getting smaller and smaller. He was overweight (I think he would be okay with me saying that). But is all I kept noticing is that he was losing weight. We did not speak on a regular basis, so I was not sure of what he was doing by the way of exercising or dieting so I asked someone and they said he was eating healthy and doing Crossfit. I said "Cross who". I thought maybe it was a spiritual diet. They said it was a gym. I didn't think much of it.

Then over facebook, I saw a picture of Jason that he posted (or his wife posted, I can't remember) and it was a side by side comparison of himself 100 pounds difference within less than a year. It was a remarkable transformation. I knew he was changing, but had no idea of how much. It was just completely inspiring. On the facebook post, he mentioned this Crossfit thing again and many people from the Crossfit facility he works out in posted congrats to him. I thought it was very cool how these people were so encouraging. I was impressed.

The next thing to know about me is I typically have great intentions, but never follow through with anything. So, I think wow Jason looks great and Crossfit seems cool - it would be great if I could do something like that. Never did I think - um Maria, Duh - you can!! So, I went about my business of sitting on my couch and watching tv and working at my computer.

A few months later and many hours spent on my couch, my friend Brenda text me and told me there is a groupon for one month of Crossfit at a new location that opened up very close to us. I thought "there is that word again - Crossfit". Why will this not go away? Now I had many conversations over the last year that something about me needs to change. I need to change physically so my emotions, my confidence, my spiritual life, my work life and my personal life can be as they should. It was going to have to be something drastic. I prayed. I cried. I talked. I sat on my couch - and nothing happend.

So Crossfit, huh? One Sunday morning around Thanksgiving, I asked Jason to give me a little insight into Crossfit. I said can someone that never exercises and sits on their couch really do Crossfit? His response? "Did you see me back then?" It made me laugh and also made me have some confidence that I could do this.

So, the next day I signed up for one month of Crossfit. And that is how it all started.